Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Guess what?

Yes it's true this time that the Ellsworth's are expecting a new addition to their little family! We are so excited for this bundle of joy and can hardly wait until February. After trying for a year, and nothing happening it was to my surprise when I tested positive. Everything looks great. They did find two larger cysts on my right ovary that they are watching. I have had the usual morning sickness. It was really bad at first but after learning how to handle it, and making sure I was ALWAYS eating, things got better! I'm starting to feel much better now that I'm in my 10th week. I know it will get better from here on out. Now I just can't wait to see if its a Baby Boy Ellsworth or Baby Girl Ellsworth. I think its a boy, and Jon thinks its a girl. Guess we will see in October!


Adam+Tatum said...

Oh what exciting news! Congratulations!

Colleen said...

Yay! but im still waiting on Pizza Mart!

Jason and Emily Egan said...

Congrats, that is so exciting!!!!

Scott & Christie Lamb said...

yay that is so exciting! So glad you are feeling better too! Looks like we have lots in common these days (girls camp, teaching first grade, being prego) haha I'm so excited for you! You will be am awesome mama!

The Peterson's said...

CONGRATS! That is very exciting!!

Montgomery Family said...

Congrats! I'm so happy for you!!

Cindi said...

Hooray! That is so awesome. Congratulations.

Kris & Amy said...

So exciting for you guys!! You need a girl to do your fun girly stuff with...but you would totally pimp out a boy too. Congrats!

The Hunzikers said...

Congrats! Hopefully February will get here before you know it!

Chloe and Tyler said...

I can't even begin to express how excited I am for you. I was so hoping it would happen soon and now that it has I'm so glad. You are going to be an amazing mommy. It's the best thing in the entire world.

Lindsey said...

Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you.

The Wanner Family said...

Congratulations that is so exciting!